Tell me more about you. *
Your birth date, where you were born and where do you live, your studies, hobbies and whatever you feel comfortable to share about yourself.
Your birth date, where you were born and where do you live, your studies, hobbies and whatever you feel comfortable to share about yourself.
I was born October the 4th in 1973 in a little city close to Barcelona called Cornella de Llobregat (Spain) ... I began photography really soon , at 14 in the City Art School in night shift and at the same time I was doing my regular school during the day. After 3 years , I finished my regular school and I went to a Photography Superior School in Barcelona for 4 years ... end then I completed my formation with Desktop Publishing, Digital photography , and ancient techniques in analogue photography... As you can see , photography is my life and Art is my passion. I lived 1000 lifes , first in Barcelona doing photos and analogue VJing in clubs in early 90's , then I moved to Geneva in 2000 , and there , Art took its place , I kept doing photography , but I did also Installation , music , theatre , Dj, performance ... all that I could use to make Art , I did it! But Switzerland was a little to comfortable , I needed some challenge ... and I arrived to Brussels (Belgium) , and here I just focused in Photography! And here I am , with my cats , my pictures and beautiful men that I take in Picture
What is your Art? *
My main Art is photography , but I'm a multitask creator. When I have to do a picture , I took in charge all the process , I built the backgrounds, I do the styling , the make up , lighting, the analogue developing (If I do analogue) or the retouching in digital ... I control the process from the idea to the final result.
Do you always work in this artistic style? *
Tell me about your techniques. Say artists or works that inspire you. Indicate your work's differential compared to other artists who also use the male figure as thematic.
Tell me about your techniques. Say artists or works that inspire you. Indicate your work's differential compared to other artists who also use the male figure as thematic.
I come from an old-fashioned type of school in photography, that type of school that demands to control the technical process and the composition of the image, and I think it can be visible in my work. I can adapt my techniques to the series that I'm doing so I can pass from analogue devices in 35mm or medium format (6x7) to digital photography depending if I'm doing B/W or colour.
I'm really inspired for artists like Mapplethorpe (in the way he uses the subject as an art object, the use of naked body and the queer influences) Wilhelm von Gloeden (for the classical mythological compositions ) the posed portraits of Nadar, the Art Deco period and the Space Age Era , the Neo-classical paintings and Surréalism in Dali or Magritte paintings .
But I'm also really inspired for music , music videos and cinema.
New wave, cold wave, post punk, pop and electronic music ... and their music videos , and cinema directors as Peter Greenaway, Kubrik , Alejandro Jodorowsky, Cronemberg or Tim Burton
New wave, cold wave, post punk, pop and electronic music ... and their music videos , and cinema directors as Peter Greenaway, Kubrik , Alejandro Jodorowsky, Cronemberg or Tim Burton
I think my pictures have a distinct point of view in the way I treat subject to make them the better they are but still coherent with the message I try to transmit . Like a hero serving for a cause , but keeping the human-portrait essence.
How is your creative process?
Everything begins with a question. What does "to be in couple" means? , Where do I come from? How do I feel after pandemics? What's the difference between being and looking like?... personal questions that become universal.
Once the question is clear ... I try to find the symbol that suits the answer , or the different symbols for different answers ... and then I find the models .
Once the question is clear ... I try to find the symbol that suits the answer , or the different symbols for different answers ... and then I find the models .
I've been doing self-portraits for long time , but I cannot control everything cause I cannot see myself during the shooting , so I find people in my life circle to take my place , and at the same time answer the question. I become them and in revers. A picture is made by 2 (in portraits) the model shows what he wants to show and I look at them the better way I can ... if there's complicity between both , the picture is great.
Obviously , being a gay man and trying to "portrait myself" in my pictures too , I find the models into the LGBTQIA+ people. My people. It would be weird for me to be represented as someone who doesn't share my queer vision in some way.
I always thought that if you want a message to be clear, it's necessary to be "straight to the point" so my pictures are quite sober. A simple message , a simple shape... and I demand the model to be naked to take away all the "disturbing information" (social status, origins, age...) that is brought with clothes
When and how do you recognize yourself as an artist?
I think I realized that I was doing Art not at the beginning of my journey at 14 in the Art School, even if my first exhibition was a naked self-portrait series (For an adolescent not to happy with his body... was a huge reconsideration and possibly the beginning of my posterior creative process) ... much much later. Possibly in 2004 in Geneva. There's turning point . A really successful exhibition that was congratulated for critics, journals and public. At this moment I thought my Art had the power to emote people and generate thoughts and questions. This moment made me think I arrived to communicate as I wanted to do all my life.
For me Art it's a way to communicate , and photography is the language that I'm using for it.
Why is the masculine form an important part of your work? *
Is there anything unique/special about having the male figure as an object of inspiration?
Is there anything unique/special about having the male figure as an object of inspiration?
My Art is a projection of myself but also the image of my desires. Men and the male figure do both jobs ... they represent me and what I want.
Being a gay man my emotional life is glue to them, I love men, I argue with men, I have sex with men ... so for me the male form translate in itself all the emotions I want to speak about . Male form is a vessel and a metaphor of myself.
Being a gay man my emotional life is glue to them, I love men, I argue with men, I have sex with men ... so for me the male form translate in itself all the emotions I want to speak about . Male form is a vessel and a metaphor of myself.
How was your first artistic creation in the male universe? *
Have you encountered any personal difficulties? How was people's reaction?
Have you encountered any personal difficulties? How was people's reaction?
I cannot remember exactly what was my first creation in the male universe , I guess my first exhibition work it was already talking about identity and male form. I've never been really closeted in my young age but I was enough reserved to not to talk about my gender or sexuality with anybody in my environment. My first drawings are men , my first photographies are men ...
I was a really solitary guy , a geek type of boy, without friends and living in my room doing my drawings and developing my B/W pictures until 18-19 y.o. My family thought that I was a kind of asocial alien. And they were not completely wrong. I needed to find myself first , to go and meet the others, and photography gave me the chance to get closer other people , and specifically men.
When I did my first nude male picture, other than me , I was 18. A friend came with me to the beach to shoot some pictures , we had a good time we both and a Whisky bottle. Maybe I was secretly waiting for something more ... but we did a great series of pictures , and that was all. When I showed it at my close circle , nobody was surprised or shocked , maybe it's cause my approach of nudity was really natural and assumed, and there was a lot of innocence in it.
Do you work with male models?
If the answer is yes, tell us how it is to work with models, their advantages and disadvantages. If you want, you can give an example.
If the answer is yes, tell us how it is to work with models, their advantages and disadvantages. If you want, you can give an example.
I work with male models , but I try always to work with not professionals. I choose them in different ways , sometimes they are close friends , sometimes completely strangers that I find interesting , or funny or they have this "particular thing that moves me , and I don't know what it is". Sometimes it happens in a bar , and others by internet . I don't use dating apps to keep it more clear and I always explain the concept , I show some of the already done pictures and what I expect from them. And ... it works!
Most of them become close friends , and together we can continue exploring new themes and doing more pictures. The personal relationship between the model and me is as important as the photo result. They become part of my iconography and loved friends.
Most of them become close friends , and together we can continue exploring new themes and doing more pictures. The personal relationship between the model and me is as important as the photo result. They become part of my iconography and loved friends.
Which part of the male body do you most care about portraying?
The whole body is important. I love faces but the whole body is represented interacting with light and background and I try to portrait it as glorious as it is, and obviously I love dicks and asses , I think they're beautiful.
Would you prefer to portray the erect or normal phallus? *
Tell me the reasons, cause I wanna understand the difference about the two images.
In my Art , I don't really care about soft or erected. But they are not charged with the same message. Erected talks about excitement , but not only in a sexual way also for the photographic experience situation, and soft Phallus (I prefer to talk about soft/erected than erect/normal , cause I think that erected is also normal) talks about relax , acceptance, fears and moods ... maybe the soft dick is more "emotion informative" rich.
And the phallus (Falo)? *
What is the importance of showing the male frontal nude? How do you feel about portraying the penis, the scrotum, and the pubis?
What is the importance of showing the male frontal nude? How do you feel about portraying the penis, the scrotum, and the pubis?
Male frontal nude pictures are necessary. Frontality in the nude speaks of self-acceptance, and even if sex is more present, for the fact of not hiding it, it loses importance. The totality of the male body, in all its forms, is beautiful.
Penis gives a lot of information, in my pictures is treated almost as the face as a part of the body that talks about sensations, feelings and moods. You can see if a model is comfortable during the shooting only looking at his dick . You can see if there's some fear, doubts, tranquillity, excitement... and even if the face is faking it , the dick is telling the true story.
Phallus is an important part of a successful portrait.
Penis gives a lot of information, in my pictures is treated almost as the face as a part of the body that talks about sensations, feelings and moods. You can see if a model is comfortable during the shooting only looking at his dick . You can see if there's some fear, doubts, tranquillity, excitement... and even if the face is faking it , the dick is telling the true story.
Phallus is an important part of a successful portrait.
Do you see any change in the acceptance of the male figure as an object of art? *
Even if queer art become more popular and new generations are more open to explore and redefine their sexuality and gender, frontality in nude male is still considered as "pornography". Social media is possibly the most common way to show and share Art in these days , and their politics are full of heteronormativity and machismo ( only female body is considered as object of desire, symbol of beauty and grace , and it can be shown and considered as Art ). This binary view of reality blocks gender equality and their representation in Art. There is still a long way to go.
Some weeks ago , a gay friend owner of an Art space told me if I knew someone to expose in his place . I said "Me" , and he answered me "your work is too gay" (cause my main theme is male figure). There's a problem in the acceptance of male figure as Art , even in queer spaces.
But this is a really subjective appreciation , I don't know exactly how it happens in Art world , possibly I'm still the solitary guy who lives in his room making pictures.
What are your plans for the future? *
Keep on being poor and doing what I love and showing it to the world. Art is a need.
Do you have any advice for other artists who work with the male nude? *
Trust yourself and make your models trust you. Respect de limits , be kind and caring and your work will be better. Art makes a bridge between the creator and the spectator , build also a bridge with your models , a portrait is always made by 2!
And send artistic files to expose in all types of galleries and Art contests, male nude representation is Art , and they have to know. Keep on knocking doors , someday one will be open.
Interview by Filipe Chagas
Après avoir réalisé mes études à l’école d'Art de Cornellà de LLobregat et à l'Institut d’Études Photographiques de Catalonia à Barcelone , je me suis consacré en un premier temps à la photographie de mode, à de nombreux projets éditoriaux publiés dans les magazines d'art et à des tâches de vjing/mapping vidéo "primitif" avec du matériel analogique (projecteurs diapositives, projecteurs 8 mm, projecteurs vidéo... ) dans les clubs les plus avant-gardistes de la capital catalane.
Dès mon arrivée à Genève en 2002 , j'ai poursuivi mon parcours de photographe mais cette fois-ci sans m’intéresser à la photographie commerciale. Depuis je m'adonne en toute liberté au traitement de sujets avec la simplicité et la franchise stylistique à laquelle j'aspirais depuis longtemps.
Je confirme mon choix de motifs: les personnes; et du style: images frontales avec artifices réduits à de subtils clins d’œil.
Mes recherches conceptuelles m'amènent à m'interroger sur l'individu, son identité et son uniformité. Je me consacre à l'exploration des subtilités du portrait.
En 2009 , j'arrive à Bruxelles et ma carrière photographique ralentit pour me dédier à d'autres activités. Cependant je réussis à faire en cette période des très beaux et complexes travaux de photographie d'art.
Mes démarches artistiques sont constantes depuis le commencement de ma carrière il y a de cela une trentaine d’années: le questionnement sur l’identité, le rapport être-paraître et la véracité de la photographie comme représentation de la réalité.
Le questionnement sur ma propre identité et la trouver en photographiant les autres est un point central de mon travail.
Faire une photographie est toujours faire un autoportrait.
05/2024 "Les Liaisons Désireuses. A propos de la luxure, de la séduction et du désir"
Collective exhibition in Kasteel d'Ursel
(Wolfgang d'Urselstraat 9, 2880 Hingene )
from 26th May to 13 October 2024.
04/2024 Solo exhibition at Studio 84 ( Rue Marché au Charbon, 84, Brussels)
from 18th April to 19th May 2024.
07/2023 Exposiçao des capas FALO. Objectos do Olhar. Galeria Hibrida de Arte.
Sao Paulo. Brasil
09/2019 Heroes. Festival Everybody’s Perfect Salle Le Phare. Genève
06/2019 D’Ile en Ile. La Fabrica de Arte Cubano. Collaboration avec Jurg Benninger.
La Habana. Cuba
10/2011 Peluche. Sale Duquesnoy. Bruxelles
10/2011 Peluche. Sale Duquesnoy. Bruxelles
01/2011 Le reve de Diane Sale 10/12 . Bruxelles
05/2010 Collective. Mademoiselle reçoit Sale Le Flat. Bruxelles
10/2009 Oberfläche ? Surface ? Collaboration avec Jurg Benninger.
Chäslager Stans. Suisse
01/2005 Les Yeux Voyeurs. Individuelle Librairie Archigraphy. Genève
01/2005 Un metre de profondeur Individuelle Librairie Archigraphy. Genève
05/2004 Baila nina , baila. Individuelle chez Margarita Gingins .Genève
07/2003 La Peau . Collective Le Phare. Genève
05/2003 Memoire Individuelle Individuelle. Bains des Paquis. Genève
07/2002 Individuelle Le Phare. Genève
05/2000 Compagnie METROS. Collective Sale El Ger. Sant Pere de Ribes. Barcelona
03/2000 2D1 Individuelle C.C. Barceloneta. Barcelona
07/1998 Collective Sale Garcia-Nieto Cornella de Llobregat. Barcelona
09/1998 Santas Collective Sale -ISMES. Vilanova i la Geltru. Barcelona
03/1994 Collective C.C. San Ildefonso Cornella de Llobregat. Barcelona
10/1992 Collective Sale San Francisco Barcelona
02/1992 Individuelle Sale San Francisco Barcelona
05/1988 Collective Sale La Rectorie Cornella de Llobregat. Barcelona
06/1987 Autoportaits. Sale Mapple Syrup. Barcelona